Friday, 6 April 2012

Fuel on Rails - the Static Pages


screenshot of the contact page
I've made a little progress with the app, but it has felt like mostly taking backward and sideward steps working out the differences between erb and haml.
Static pages for the site have been setup, with a fairly plain gray colour scheme that needs something doing to liven it up a little.

A logo

I do have some ideas for a logo, and may resort to watercolours while I create some designs. I'll postpone deciding on a site colour scheme until I do create a logo: it would be a shame to have to change it more than once.
I'm having a debate with myself about the app title - perhaps "Fuel on the Road" might be better. I haven't decided if I'm winning or losing the debate though.

Signing up victims users

Next step is to get a signup and signin process set up. This is going to need careful thought, for the people like myself who forget passwords (perhaps I should just keep to using one password everywhere).

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