Friday, 21 October 2011

Burning images using a Mac

Some notes on creating bootable images using a Mac.
I have had recent need to create bootable images from iso files.
Burning a CD or DVD.
This is perhaps the easiest using OSX. Open the Utilities folder in Applications and start the Disk utility package.
Drop the iso into the left hand pane, insert your CD/DVD and hit burn. I'm a touch paranoid, and like to verify the file has burned correctly. This can take a while, so have a cuppa or check Facebook while you're waiting. The disk will automatically eject when finished.
Job done.
Creating a flash drive image
This also is quite easy, open a terminal window.

  1. Convert the iso file into an img using hdutil.
    hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o ~/path_to_target.img ~/path_to_iso.iso
  2. Run diskutil list to see what devices are currently connected.
  3. Insert your flashdrive and type diskutil list again. On my machine I got /dev/disk2.
  4. Unmount the disk
    diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN (N is the drive your flash device is called).
  1. dd if=/path_to_image.img of=/dev/diskN
  2. When done, eject the media diskutil eject /dev/diskN
Mission successful, go and have a cuppa.

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