Wednesday 7 December 2016

Lost Dreams

Why do words come when I'm sad?
Nothing flows right when I'm glad.

I've told you how I feel, so why
You tell me things, nearly make me cry.

Hearing tales of lovers found
Im not the liked one, I'm losing ground

Games of strip poker, you were losing
Never seeing what I've been musing

You're not the first to break this ground
I now wonder why I'm not underground

Dreams of hope, sunk in the bog.
Sniffing my ankles, that great black Dog

Each night I hope as I wait for sleep
Sadly morning comes round but I'm still around

Saturday 22 October 2016

Rails woes on Windows 10

The Rails community isn't strong on support for Windows based machines.

The github repository RubyOnWindowsWoes contains the source and issues found.

This note is to remind me how I eventually solve the problems!

Thursday 13 October 2016

ConfigurationManager does not exist in the current context

This was plaguing me for some time.

Part of the solution is the
#include System.Config

The bit I kept missing was to include the System.Configuration reference to the project.
